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State changing event

The onStateChange event of Accordion can be used to listen to item state updates. The event object has a key prop identifying which item's state has changed.

import { Accordion, AccordionItem } from '@szhsin/react-accordion';

const items = [
header: 'What is Lorem Ipsum?',
content: 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing...'
header: 'Where does it come from?',
content: 'Quisque eget luctus mi, vehicula mollis lorem...'
header: 'Why do we use it?',
content: 'Suspendisse massa risus, pretium id interdum in...'

/* eslint-disable no-console */

export default function Example() {
return (
onStateChange={({ key, current }) => {
if (current.isResolved)
console.log(`${key} is expanded: ${current.isEnter}`);
{{ header, content }, i) => (
// Explicitly set `itemKey` prop for each item
itemKey={`Item-${i + 1}`}

Open the browser console to see the logs.